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COVID-19 Response

The WDS is working to mitigate the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic by connecting the WDS community during these rapidly changing times and providing needed resources.

Virtual Networking Opportunities

This new series of positive, uplifting online networking events are led by the Chairs of WDS Committees and are open to all WDS members. Come for fun and fellowship with your colleagues and friends in WDS.
View Upcoming Events

Virtual Resident Education Opportunities

The WDS Resident Education Series is a collection of live educational sessions on a variety of topics spanning the breadth of dermatology. Recordings of past live Resident Education events are available online - login to the WDS Members Only Website:
View Upcoming Events

International Journal of Women's Dermatology Articles

The IJWD is providing COVID-19 peer reviewed reliable information to dermatologists and their patients. Visit the IJWD website for more information:


March 31, 2020

The WDS is working to mitigate the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and inform our members of the most current recommendations for addressing changes to our practices.  We encourage members to visit the WDS website for updates on WDS programs and initiatives and to monitor the AAD website for practice management guidance.  In addition, visit the CDC, WHO, and AMA for current COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations.  

As you are all aware, the WDS annual meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Physician leadership and staff have worked to address the direct and indirect challenges this has raised for our organization.  We are committed to delivering on the mission of the WDS despite these challenges.  Donations to the WDS are always welcome. Please show your support and make a donation today

As we move forward as a community during these rapidly changing times, the WDS will create solutions to provide our educational programs.  You will see greater attention to remote learning, mentorship and networking opportunities across our programs.  We are working on diversification of our revenue streams and we are working with our industry partners on novel educational initiatives.  Thank you for your strong commitment to the WDS!   

Together, 2020-2021 will be an exciting and fulfilling year for us all.


Molly Hinshaw, MD
President (2020-2021)

Last updated: September 28, 2020