WDS Donation Form Information * Name: * Address: * City: State: * ZIP/Postal Code: * Country: * Phone: * Email: Gift Amount $1000 $500 $250 $125 Other Amount (minimum $10) * Amount to Charge: $ In order to offset the cost of the credit card processing fees, donors have the option of paying a 3% transaction fee. With the box below checked, you are willing to help WDS offset the costs (optional). Yes, please add the transaction fee. Frequency One-time Gift Recurring Gift: A pledge of the above amount over the time period of your choice. Please complete this section for Recurring Gift: * Start Date: (MM/YYYY) * Bill my credit card: 1st of the Month 15th of the Month * Number of Months: for 12 months (_/month) for 24 months (_/month) for 36 months (_/month) Other * Number of Months: (_/month) Consent and Authorization I consent and authorize my bank/credit card to make recurring monthly payments until I notify the Women’s Dermatologic Society (WDS) otherwise. First charge to occur upon the submission of this form. I understand that I may cancel or change my recurring gift at any time by notifying WDS at (414) 918-9887. A record of each payment will appear on my monthly bank or credit card statement and will serve as my monthly receipt. A letter showing cumulative donations for the calendar year will be sent each February. Gift Designation General WDS Donation Other This Gift is A General donation In Honor of (please complete next section) In Memory of (please complete next section) Women Physicians Day (please complete next section) Please complete this section for Women Physicians Day: Who Requested Donation: Please complete this section for Honor and Memorial gifts: The special person or occasion: So that WDS may notify the special person listed above, please complete the information below. You may include up to two people. Recipient Name #1 Recipient Email1 Address 1 City 1 State/Province 1 ZIP/Postal Code 1 Country 1 Telephone 1 Recipient Name #2 Recipient Email2 Address 2 City 2 State/Province 2 ZIP/Postal Code 2 Country 2 Telephone 2 Sent by (name) A personalized message can be included with your card Characters remaining: 300 Payment Information * Card Type: Visa MasterCard American Express *Credit Card Number *Exp Month 010203040506070809101112 *Exp Year 2025202620272028202920302031203220332034203520362037 *CVV Click to use same name and contact information as above * Name as it appears on card: * Address: * City: State/Province: * Zip: * Country: Continue Thank you for your generous donation.