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2016 Academic Research Award Recipients

Complete List of 2016 Academic Research Award Recipients

  • Shehla Admani, MD
    University of California, San Diego
    Mentor: Bethanee Schlosser, MD
    Title: Spironolactone Use in Acne: Implications for Vulvovaginal Health and Sexual Functions

  • Zelma C. Chiesa Fuxench, MD
    Department of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
    Mentor: Joel M Elfand, MD, MSCE
    Title: The risk of cancer in patients with eczema: a prospective, population-based cohort study

  • Ellen (Nikki) Pritchett, MD
    Henry Ford Dermatology
    Mentor: Henry Lim, MD
    Title: Skin Cancer in Skin of Color Organ Transplant Patients

  • Rachel Kornik, MD
    University of California, San Francisco
    Mentor: Mary-Margaret Chren, MD
    Title: Effects of Inflammatory Vulvovaginal Disease on Quality of Life Affected Women

  • Tiffany Shih, MD
    University of Minnesota
    Mentor: Daniel Miller, MD
    Title: Allogeneic skin grafting in the treatment of chronic cutaneous graft-versus-host disease: a pilot study