- Kelly Nelson, MD
Assistant Professor, Duke University Medical Center
Focus of Project: Exploration of Genetic Alterations in Melanomas Arising in the Female Genital Tract
- Jennifer Choi, MD
Assistant Professor, Yale University School of Medicine
Focus of Project: Isotretinoin versus Doxycycline as Preemptive Therapy for EGFR Inhibitor-Induced Papulopustular Rash
- Emma Guttman, MD
Resident, Weill Cornell Medical College, NY
Focus of Project: A Study Evaluating the Immunomodulatory Effects of Narrowband Ultraviolet (NB-UVB) Radiation in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
- Eleni Linos, MD
Resident, Stanford University Medical Center
Focus of Project: Vitamin D and Skin Cancer: 7 Year Follow-Up of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Control Trial
- Renee Beach, MD
Resident, University of Ottawa
Focus of Project: CARE 0 Cytokine Levels in Afro-textured and Relaxed Hair
- Jonathan Zippin, MD, PhD
Resident, New York-Weill Cornell Medical Center
Focus of Project: Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase is Necessary for IL-22-Dependent Psoraisis Pathogenesis
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